Contact customer service by telephone stock photo
Contact customer service by telephone stock photo
Contact customer service by telephone. Isolated on white with clipping path.
Stock Photo ID: 357314268
3044 x 2424 px ( 10.1 x 8.1 in) • 300 dpi • RGB • JPG
License Options
License Options
Standard - Royalty-Free stock photo license with limited usage in print, advertising, and packaging. Unlimited web distribution
Extended - Royalty-Free stock photo license with unlimited usage in print, advertising, and packaging. Unlimited web distribution.
IP phone;phone; customer service, contact, contact us, customer, representative, help, support, customer support, voip; modern; telephone; telephone receiver; isolated on white; clipping path; isolated; white; landline phone; keypad; conference phone; digital; business; black; plastic; single object; visual screen; cable; lcd; screen; IP; white background